Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Priority Puzzle

I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker the other night. In a nutshell, he said that I'm wasting my time and energy at work, and that I am losing track of my dreams and the people and things that are important to me in the process.

This guy is a bit of an enigma. He has all the talent, skill, and intelligence in the world; he is a likeable, worldly guy who I have a lot of respect for. He is also lazy, disrespectful to authority, and completely incapable of showing up to work on time. He's the kind of guy that, while you want him at your side when the shit hits the fan, you can't necessarily be sure that he's going to be there to come to your aid. He's brilliant, but his brilliance is diluted by a complete lack of effort...he is very jaded and unhappy, but either he doesn't think that he can change things for the better, or he just isn't willing to try.

Anyway, I was taken aback by his comment. Not offended; I've always welcomed and encouraged everyone's input since my promotion, because when I was in their position, I wished that my thoughts and opinions had counted for something. Though it may not be the most professional way to go, I really think it makes me a better, more approachable boss. I'd like to be the kind of boss that people want to go to battle for; that requires a lot of support from the people working for you. I don't know that I am there yet, but I'm working on it.

I set the bar really high for myself at work, and I struggle to accept it when people don't make the same effort that I'd expect of myself. I've always taken work very seriously; perhaps seeing my mother work herself to the bone growing up rubbed off on me. I have a real distaste for people who aren't willing to work, and I can't stand the people who have that "the company is lucky to have me" attitude. I'm halfway through The Grapes of Wrath; those people would have done ANYTHING for work, and I know that times have changed, but what's the point ot taking a job like ours (I work with kids) if you're going to half-ass it? The kids deserve more than that.

But I do see his point. I have big dreams. I want to teach, I want to write, I want to get married and have a family. If I get too caught up in today, am I losing track of tomorrow? Hasn't that always been my problem? What's a little ice cream today gonna hurt in the long run? I'll just throw that Playstation on my credit card, because I want it today. I'll worry about paying for it tomorrow. Maybe.

Is the place I'm at worth my effort? In light of recent company events, I'm not so sure anymore. But I'm also not so sure he has it right, either. Would he be working nights in a thankless, entry-level position if his life had turned out the way he wanted it to?

Until tomorrow,


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